MRP Calls for Members

Study Code MRP-OPAT Leader Hamza Ashraf Call for: Members Topic Systematic Review and Meta Analysis Related to Infective

Study Code MRP-BS Leader Mohamed Elsaid Call for: Members & A Co-Leader Topic Systematic Review Related to Burn

Study code MRP-ZD Requirements Topic Assessing the efficacy and safety of a drug in a psychiatry disorder . 

Study Code MRP_UR1 Number Needed At least 2-3 experienced members are required. Topic Related to psychiatry Responsibilities Experienced

This content is only available for MRP Leaders.

You can apply for leadership by clicking on: Call for Leaders

Study Code MRP_pSY-JO Requirements Topic Meta Research in Psychiatry. Leader Hamsa Hassan Expected Time 1 month How to

Study code MRP-EAT-AI Topic We are excited to invite dedicated and knowledgeable individuals to be part of a

Study Code MRP-MIZ-CO Requirements Topic Related to IBD Leader Lina Hemmeda Expected Time 2 months How to join

Topic The topic is related to AI assessment in answering medical questions Expected time to finish two weeks

Topic The topic is related to AI applications in healthcare Expected time to finish two weeks Study code

Research History

تحدثنا في هذه السلسلة منذ بدايتها على كثير من العلماء. اليوم سنخص بالذكر العالم الرياضي رونالد فيشر، والذي

ما زال الحديث مستمرًا عن العالم الرياضي جوسيت، وسنتحدث اليوم عن واحدة من أهم أبحاثه، والتي تعتبر أهم

هل تذكرون جوسيت، ذلك العالم الذي توصَّل لنتائج تطبيقية لتوزيع بواسون “Poisson Distribution” ، والذي كان موجودًا منذ

أدرك جينيس بروينج أن الطريقة الوحيدة لنجاح شركته وتصدرها هو العلم وحده. لذلك عمد إلى استقطاب العلماء لشركته

الأدوية اكتشفت منذ قديم الأزل، تشهد بذلك كل نقوش الجدران في الحضارات القديمة. لكن بعدها، طمست تلك العلوم،

ما هي أكثر أنواع الأطعمة المفضلة لديك؟هل هي الدواجن، اللحوم،أم الخضراوات؟فلنتفرض أنك تحب اللحوم أكثر من أي شئ.

كان العالم الإنجليزي السير فرانسيز جالتون (١٨٢٢- ١٩١١ م) والذي كان اول من اكتشف بصمات الأصابع، مولعاً بدراسة

قد تندهشون من العنوان، ولكنها الحقيقة. في تجمّعٍ حميم جمع بعض العلماء مع زوجاتهن في مدينة كامبريدج بانجلترا،


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You can apply for leadership by clicking on: Call for Leaders

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This content is only available for MRP Leaders.

You can apply for leadership by clicking on: Call for Leaders

This content is only available for MRP Leaders.

You can apply for leadership by clicking on: Call for Leaders

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MRP provides different courses to address all aspects and levels of medical research. We provide courses for absolute

Are you passionate about research and eager to contribute to groundbreaking projects? Look no further! MRP offers a

Medical Research Platform (MRP) aims to be the guidance for all medical research seekers throughout their journey starting

Calls for Positions

Study Code MRP-OPAT Leader Hamza Ashraf Call for: Members Topic Systematic Review and Meta Analysis Related to Infective

Study Code MRP-BS Leader Mohamed Elsaid Call for: Members & A Co-Leader Topic Systematic Review Related to Burn

Study code MRP-ZD Requirements Topic Assessing the efficacy and safety of a drug in a psychiatry disorder . 

Study Code MRP_UR1 Number Needed At least 2-3 experienced members are required. Topic Related to psychiatry Responsibilities Experienced

This content is only available for MRP Leaders.

You can apply for leadership by clicking on: Call for Leaders

Study Code MRP_pSY-JO Requirements Topic Meta Research in Psychiatry. Leader Hamsa Hassan Expected Time 1 month How to

Study code MRP-EAT-AI Topic We are excited to invite dedicated and knowledgeable individuals to be part of a

Study Code MRP-MIZ-CO Requirements Topic Related to IBD Leader Lina Hemmeda Expected Time 2 months How to join

This content is only available for MRP Leaders.

You can apply for leadership by clicking on: Call for Leaders

Topic The topic is related to AI assessment in answering medical questions Expected time to finish two weeks