MRP Publications: Journey through Research Success

Step into the realm of achievement at MRP Research Division!
In this article, we proudly spotlight the remarkable Publications of our members—a testament to the exceptional dedication and innovation thriving within our community.
As we unravel these success stories, it’s an invitation to witness the vibrant tapestry of research excellence that defines MRP, where every publication is a chapter in a story of collaboration, curiosity, and intellectual growth.

MRP Authors: Mohamed Elsaid Deyaa Hesham Fatma Mohamed Fouad Hamsa Hassan Heba Hamouda Temraz Huda Sherif Maya Magdy Abdelwahab Nourelhoda Hegazi Yasmena Abd El-Rahman

MRP Authors: Mohamed Elsaid Aml M Brakat Ayush Anand Mahmoud Alashwah Ahmed Maher Nitu Lama Criselle Angeline C. Pernamante

MRP Authors: Ammar Mektebi Mohamed Elsaid Tularam Yadav Fatima Abdallh Mohamad Monif Assker Abdelmonem Siddiq Reem Sayad Motaz Saifi

MRP Authors: Haneen Abaza Kuchalambal Agadi Ayush Anand Mohamed Elsaid

MRP Authors: Mohammed Ahmed Sadeq Mohamed Elsaid

MRP Authors: Fatma Mohamed Fouad Mohamed Elsaid

MRP Authors: Hamsa Hassan Hamsa Ashraf Abdelhamid Mayar Mohamed Mohamed Elsaid

MRP Authors: Ali H. Abdelaal Mohamed Elsaid

In closing, the success stories chronicled in this article represent more than just a list of publications; they embody the spirit of collaboration, curiosity, and unwavering commitment to excellence that defines MRP Research Division. As we celebrate these achievements, we extend an invitation to future scholars, aspiring to contribute to the ever-evolving landscape of knowledge. Join our vibrant community, where your ideas are not only heard but published, recognized, and celebrated. The journey of research at MRP is not just about individual accomplishments; it’s about the collective impact we make on the world. Together, let’s continue pushing boundaries, inspiring change, and leaving an indelible mark on the frontiers of research.