Call for: Writers Topic 1 CodeMRP-VibDetailsSystematic ReviewRelated to Physical TherapyWrite Results & DiscussionRequirmentsAbility to Extract data and Write Qualitative results of systematic review of 10 studiesDeliver task on timeHigh-quality writing Topic 2 CodeMRP-Ea-AiDetailsBibliometric AnalysisRelated to PsychologyWrtie ResultsRequirmentsAbility to Interpret Bibliometric Analysis ResultsDeliver task on timeHigh-quality writing General Requirments for Applicants Available in the next 2 months Open to comments and modifications by supervisor Committed to deadlines and high quality performance Good communication skills Experience in the field of the study is preferred Use of AI or plagiarized content will not be accepted Apply Now How to Apply Complete your profile as explained Here.Fill the form belowShow your experience in writing and provide links of samples.Show your experience in the design (SR or Bibliometric)Fill the form twice if you would like to apply for both topics.Copy the study code and paste it in its specific field to apply for each topic.Upload your CV, Portfolio, or PDFs of studies you participated in wiriting. Deadline Application is Closed.Keep Following our platform for Upcoming Calls.Facebook Facebook community LinkedIn Telegram accountTelegram channel WhatsApp Fill this form [forminator_form id="13174"]