MRP Research Rules

Welcome to our Research Division Rules, meticulously crafted to streamline our collaborative efforts and uphold a culture of efficiency, accountability, and excellence. These rules are designed to govern various aspects of our projects, from communication protocols to participant exclusion and study-specific steps. As members of this dynamic team, it is imperative that we acquaint ourselves with these guidelines to ensure a cohesive and productive work environment. Together, let’s adhere to these established principles, fostering a culture of success and innovation within our organization.

General Rules

  1. Respecting your teammates is above all rules
  2. Research positions are voluntary. Work for Authorship.
  3. Authorship is determined according to contribution.
  4. Leaders, Writers and Analysts get the higher positions than Members.
  5. MRP studies are announced ONLY on MRP website, MRP Facebook Page, MRP LinkedIn Page, MRP Telegram channel or CEO official mail (
  6. Joining any MRP study (Rule 5) means you become a member in MRP.
  7. After being a member (Rule 6), you are required to add your position in MRP in your Facebook and LinkedIn account (If applicable) and add MRP Affiliation to your personal information in the manuscript after your university for any study done through MRP.
  8. Check the expected time before joining any study as Exams are not excuses to delay tasks.
  9. Leaders are required to formally notify either the MRP_RDD or MRP_CEO prior to the initiation of any study. This step is essential for ensuring alignment with organizational goals and transparency in project management. Failure to comply with this notification protocol will result in immediate reconsideration of project leadership assignments.
  • Any conflict between members is solved by the leader.
  • Any conflict between members and the leader is solved by emailing the RDD

New-Study Rules

Mandatory Notification

  1. Leaders are required to formally notify either the MRP RDD or MRP CEO prior to the initiation of any study. This step is essential for ensuring alignment with organizational goals and transparency in project management. Failure to comply with this notification protocol will result in immediate reconsideration of project leadership assignments.
  2. After getting the approval, you should Register your study to MRP Database by filling this form

Adding a Co-Leader

To ensure the seamless execution and management of projects, the following guidelines are established for the assignment of co-leaders and the necessary communication protocols:

  1. Conditions for Assigning a Co-leader:
    1. For large studies that require additional leadership to enhance the pace of the project.
    2. During periods when the primary leader has a busy schedule, allowing a co-leader to assume primary responsibilities. An active, experienced member may be promoted to this role instead of a new one to ensure continuity.
  2. Approval Process:

Leaders must seek and receive approval from the RDD prior to appointing a co-leader.

  1. Onboarding and Role Clarity:

It is the responsibility of the leader to clarify the co-leader’s duties, the rules of engagement, and expectations regarding authorship prior to the commencement of their tasks. Subsequently, the agreed plan must be communicated to the RDD via E-mail.

  1. Modifications to Initial Plans:

All alterations to the established plan must be immediately reported to the RDD as a reply to the first E-mail.

  1. Resolution of Disagreements:

The RDD will be responsible for resolving any disagreements that arise in the course of the project.

Recruiting Members

  1. The process of adding members to a new study must adhere to the steps outlined in this Post.
  2. The leader bears the responsibility for the selection of study members.
  3. The addition of a member in the middle of the study requires prior notification to the RDD. The leader may utilize the MRP members WhatsApp group or consider candidates who were not initially selected during the first recruitment.


  1. The official means of communication for important announcements is through email, as specified in the rules.
  2. A WhatsApp group should be established to facilitate communication among members and leaders.
  3. Telegram may be utilized in cases of reasonable excuses.
  4. The group administrators must include the Leader, Co-leader, Supervisor, RDD, and MRP WhatsApp number.

First Task Rules

To guarantee the effective initiation of project tasks,

  1. Leaders and Co-leaders: After your project proposal receives supervisor approval, you must begin your leadership responsibilities within 48 hours. Failure to initiate within this timeframe will lead to replacement.
  2. Members: Upon assignment to a project, you are expected to undertake your first task within 48 hours. Non-compliance will result in your replacement.

Follow-up Rules

  1. Leaders will receive a bi-weekly email prompting them to complete the Follow-up Form (FuF).
  2. FuF completion is mandatory within 48 hours. Failure to comply triggers a reminder; if not filled within 48 hours of the reminder, the leader will be excluded from the study.
  3. The responsibility for FuF completion lies solely with the leader, regardless of the current task’s control by the Co-leader or anyone else.
  4. Reporting misinformation in the FuF will result in the leader’s exclusion from the study.

Study Steps Rules

  1. Validation should be done using the MRP Validation File
  2. Screening
    1. Must be done using the software specified in the Validation file
    2. At least two independent members should perform the screening
    3. Conflicts should be solved by the leader
  3. Extraction
    1. should be done using a clear sheet and explained to the members before the first task
    2. The supervisor & analyst must approve the extraction sheet before the first task
    3. It must be done by two independent members
    4. Conflicts should be solved by the leader
  4. Analysis should be approved the supervisor
  5. Writing should follow MRP Writing Guidelines
  6. Submission should follow MRP Submission guidelines

Exclusion Rules

To maintain a harmonious and productive environment within our study groups, certain criteria have been established for participant exclusion. These guidelines are crucial for upholding the integrity of our collaborative efforts.

Exclusion Criteria:

  1. Not following the established rules outlined above.
  2. Displaying disrespectful behavior.
  3. Sharing study data outside the designated study group.
  4. Delivering tasks of perceived low quality, as determined by the Leader.
  5. Accumulating delays in completing three or more tasks.
  6. Voluntarily deciding to discontinue participation.

Note: Exclusion from a study results in the forfeiture of authorship rights.

Closing Statement:‎

As we conclude this overview of operational guidelines, let us collectively commit to upholding the standards and principles outlined here. These guidelines serve as the framework for our collaboration, ensuring a smooth and purposeful journey toward our shared goals. By adhering to these rules, we contribute to a culture of professionalism, respect, and excellence within our organization. Your dedication to following these guidelines is not only an investment in your success but also in the collective success of our team. Thank you for your attention and commitment. Together, we strive for excellence in all our endeavors.