MRP Manuscript Guidelines


  • The manuscript and Abstract should follow both MRP guidelines as well as a checklist suitable for its design (i.e. PRISMA for systematic review and meta-analysis)
  • All manuscript should contain the following Headings:
    • Title
    • Affiliations of authors
    • Emails and ORCIDs of authors
    • Abstract
    • Keywords
    • Body (e.g. Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and conclusion)
    • References
  • All authors Must have MRP as a second affiliation.
  • References must be citated using Zotero and Vancouver style (using another software should be approved before starting the citation)
  • The manuscript won’t be reviewed by the supervisor unless it follows all the guidelines.
  • Tables and graphs must be referred in the manuscript and ordered accordingly.
  • All tables and figures must have a caption.
  • Supplementary tables and figures must be added in a separate single file, referred in the main manuscript and ordered in the supplementary file accordingly.
  • The manuscript must follow the Font Preferences as mentioned below
  • Files should be named as follows: study code-Manuscript-version (e.g. MRP_B-Manuscript-V1 , MRP_B-Supplementary-V1)

MRP Announcements Template

Ethics approval and consent to participate.‎

Not applicable ‎

Consent for publication

Not applicable ‎

Availability of data and material

All datasets generated or analyzed during the current study are available in the published article. ‎

Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.‎


No source of funding for this study ‎


We acknowledge Dr Example for his efforts in A, B and C.

Authors’ contributions

Write the initials of each author and his/her contribution

Example 1:

ABC, XYZ performed the screening and extraction, EFG performed the analysis
Example 2:

Screening: ABC, XYZ

Analysis: EFG

Font Preferences:

ThemeSizeBoldItalicUnderlineColorAlignLine SpacingNotes
BodyTimes New Roman12NoNoNoBlackLeft1.15
TitleTimes New Roman20YesNoNoBlackCentral1.15Capitalize Each Word
Authors’ NamesTimes New Roman18NoYesNoBlackCentral1.15Number of the affiliation is written as superscript
Heading Level 1Times New Roman16YesNoNoBlackLeft1.15Numbered as follows: 1. Heading Level 1
Heading Level 2Times New Roman14YesNoNoBlackLeft1.15Numbered as follows: 1.1. Heading Level 2
Heading Level 3Times New Roman12YesNoNoBlackLeft1.15Numbered as follows: 1.1.1. Heading Level 3
Heading Level 4Times New Roman12YesYesNoBlackLeft1.15Numbered as follows: Heading Level 4

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