Call for Writers for SR/MA 2

Number Needed

2-3 writers are needed to join one of our projects at the end stages.


  • Writing at least the Discussion, Results or Introduction of a SR/MA
  • join the study as an author which means participating in the proofreading of the whole manuscript
  • Make modifications in the written part according to the supervisor of the study and the reviewers of the journal when submitted
  • Participating in other tasks (other than writing) is optional.
  • Respecting the deadline is mandatory and may affect your position in authorship.
  • If the quality of the work was not enough to be added to the manuscript, you will get acknowledgment not authorship.


  • Get authorship in the manuscript
  • If participating in writing multiple parts in the manuscript and make significant changes, you will get high authorship.
  • The quality of your work will open more chances in other projects

How to join

Comment below with the following:

  1. Your experience in writing
  2. Your ability to deliver the task of writing (discussion or intro or results) within 3 days with high quality
  3. Whether or not you joined any MRP studies before.
  4. Select the parts you can write: (Intro, Results, Discussion)


  • Any comment not containing all 4 points will not be assessed
  • Priorities for experience in SR/MA Writing


2 days and the comments will be closed.


  1. 1. Participated in various articles (6 articles so far), including different forms of study including SR&MA

    2. I’m able to finish the work on time with the highest possible quality

    3. I’ve participated in 1 SR&MA with MRP as introduxtion writed

    4. Introduction

  2. 1. Participated in various articles (6 articles so far), including different forms of study including SR&MA

    2. I’m able to finish the work on time with the highest possible quality

    3. I’ve participated in 1 SR&MA with MRP as introduction writer

    4. Introduction

    1. Interested
      I’ve participated in various research projects ranging from case reports to systematic reviews. I’ve already published one case report and the other four projects coming soon Inshallah. I haven’t participated in any MRP project before and I’m highly motivated to work with you.

  3. I have extensive experience in writing different types of manuscripts. In previous projects, I participated as one of the main writers in two case reports and one narrative review article, as well as a systematic review article and a cross-sectional study. I was the first and co-author in all of these publications, and I contributed to all sections from the introduction to the discussion.

    I believe I can deliver the task in an appropriate time designated by the team.

    This will hopefully be my first experience with MRP, and I would be happy to help with any part of the study, including the introduction, methods, or discussion.

    1. 1)I have extensive experience in writing different types of manuscripts. In previous projects, I participated as one of the main writers in two case reports and one narrative review article, as well as a systematic review article and a cross-sectional study. I was the first and co-author in all of these publications, and I contributed to all sections from the introduction to the discussion.

      2)I believe I can deliver the task in an appropriate time designated by the team.

      3,4)This will hopefully be my first experience with MRP, and I would be happy to help with any part of the study, including the introduction, methods, or discussion.

  4. Interested
    1- working as an associate editor for the Journal of young investigators (
    2- participated previously in 2 MRP projects
    3- certified by Cochrane in conducting and writing systematic reviews

  5. 1. Scientific writing tasks in research courses, proofreading and application of mentor comments in a currently to be published paper. Studied English writing during IGCSE English first language course.
    2. Available during the month of May only
    3. No, but participated in other studies with different research groups
    4. Introduction or discussion

  6. I am highly interested and will be fully dedicated
    1- I have completed 1 MRP project SR/MA (wrote the protocol and results sections and helped in modifying abstract and introduction sections)
    2- I will be able to finish the task on time and will be fully dedicated
    3- I have participated previously in 1 MRP project
    4- Introduction, Results

  7. Interested!
    1) I’ve written 10+ Medical research articles, of which, 7 are published in Pubmed-Indexed journals and the rest are under submission or further editing.
    2) I believe I can deliver the task provided to me in the utmost quality.
    3) Yes, I’ve participated in 1 SR/MA study prior to this.
    4) I can write whatever is assigned to me but my order of preference is: Introduction; Discussion; Results.

  8. 1) I have mastered the introduction, the discussion and references (annotated bibliography) writing.

    2)I am fast in writing and proofreading manuscripts.

    3) I have reviewed three papers published in our medical journals.

    4)I have good experience on data analysis on SPSS program

  9. I have participated in medical writing for as well as the protocol of one SR MA.
    I am able to deliver the task in the best quality in less than 3 days with no plagiarism or Grammar mistakes.
    I have taken the previous 4 MRP courses and am currently participating in 2 SR MAs and delivering my contribution in a timely manner.
    I am ready to write any part of the manuscript. If I am to pick one section, I am willing for the results part, the discussion then the intro.
    I am very eager to be nominated for this position and can start immediately
    Thank you.

  10. Interested
    I’ve written 3 Medical research articles, of which, 1 are published in Pubmed
    have experiace in SR project With Dr Mohamed Elsyed in the MRP Plat
    i have time free 4h in day can start any time

  11. What is the topic of the SR/MA ?

    If the topic is interesting to me ,I am interested in writing the discussion for it. I have good experience and I am commited.

  12. I am writing to introduce my interest for the research writer opportunity at your esteemed institution. I possess a unique combination of skills, experience, and passion that makes them an ideal fit for the task.
    1. I have participated in writing two research proposals, and attended an academic writing workshop that enrich me with a professional writing skills.
    2. I will be ready to finish the required task as fast as I get to order to start and within the deadline, I’m highly restricted to the time and I respect the time limit of the institution
    3. I didn’t participate in your opportunities before
    4. Introduction

  13. Interested
    1. I’ve participated in various research projects ranging from case reports to systematic reviews. I’ve already published one case report and the other four projects coming soon Inshallah.
    2. Im able to perform any writings needed within next days in a great quality.
    3. I haven’t participated in any MRP project before and I’m highly motivated to work with you.
    4. I can participate in any writing section needed.

  14. 1. Participated in multiple conference abstracts
    2. Participated in a systematic review and meta-analysis
    3. Working as a free-lance researcher
    4. Participated in multiple translational research projects
    5. Analysis using R
    6. Good and fast writing skills
    7. Haven’t participated with MRP before but I’m excited to start participating and joining the community

  15. Interested,
    1. I have actively participated in multiple research projects, with one of them already being published.
    2. I will be able to complete the tasks within the specified timeframe while ensuring the utmost level of quality
    3. I’ve never worked on an MRP project before, and I’m hoping that this will be my first experience in this great community.
    4. I would be delighted to assist in any section.

  16. I’ve participated in a wide range of studies, including case reports, case series, cross-sectional studies, and currently systematic reviews, scoping reviews, and cohort retrospective studies. I’m very good at scientific writing and editing, screening, literature review, and data extraction.


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