Call for Members-MRP-HB

Study Code



  • Dedicated to deadlines for each task.
  • Hard worker and have good time management skills.
  • Aware of most/all steps of systematic review and meta-analysis and have an acceptable experience level.
  • Available in the next 2 or 3 months.
  • Priority to MRP students and members.
  • Priority to who comment first.


Related to hepatitis B virus


Lina Hemmeda

Expected Time

2 months

How to join

  • Complete your profile as explained here
  • Comment with “Interested and available in the next 2 months”
  • Highlight your experience in brief.
  • Mention whether you joined any MRP study before


24h from the date of posting this call.


  1. Interested and available in the next 2 months!
    I have not joined MRP projects before.
    I have gained experience by getting some courses online, with 2 ongoing research projects atm.

  2. Interested and available for the next two months. I’ve a good base knowledge in systematic and narrative reviews as I participated in a systematic review and narrative review projects both as a co-main author. I’ve worked in 9 research projects with two already published. The rest are undergoing manuscript finalization or under consideration in their respective journals.

  3. Interested and I’m available in the next 2 months
    Gained experience by attending online courses about systematic review and meta analysis and seeking to learn and gain experience in scientific research

  4. Interested and available in the next 2 months.
    I haven’t joined MRP projects before.

    My skills include signal processing, computational biology, Machine learning, and Programming languages like C, C++, Python, and MATLAB. I worked on various engineering projects, details provided in my CV.

  5. Highly interested and will be fully dedicated
    I have competed 1 MRP project before and I am very interested in joining this study
    – participated in 1 published study before
    – 2 studies under review
    – 1 ongoing study
    I have a good experience in writing

  6. – Interested and available in the next 2 months”
    – I have not joined MRP projects before.
    – participated in 4 SR & MA projects before
    1 published SR
    1 Abstract was accepted by ARVO
    1 ongoing study

    – Participated in Research Training Program under supervision of Dr. Nizar Abdelfattah,
    MD, Ophthalmology Resident at Duke University & Assistant Scientist at the
    University of California.

  7. Interested and available in the next 2 months.
    I have not joined MRP projects before.
    I have 3 research experiences (2 case reports and one systematic review) with one already submitted, and I’m looking forward for a new project

  8. Very interested and available in the next 2 months (I am an MRP member)
    won first place in proposal writing competition and worked on a research
    attended online courses about systematic reviews and research methodolgy and design and many more like Statistics, Mendeley and SPSS

    1. Interested andavailable in the next 2 months
      I gained my experience in Research and leadership from many positions as follow :
      – I am a researcher, I have 2 preprint papers :
      1. Case study : Macroadenoma with unusual presentation, for the details here its DOI :
      2. Kap study about stroke in Sennar population Sudan, its DOI :
      Also I am a co-author for kap study about Dengue fever in Sennar population, which is now under submission.
      I am co-author in case study about polythycemia vera presented as splenic infraction and portal vein thrombosis which is now ready to submit.
      Also I have many articles which will be finished soon.
      My leadership experience from my following positions :
      1. Deputy of publication at SMRA.
      2. Deputy of publication at Al-Maleeh Research Group.
      3. Former head of publication at Sennar Student Network Organization SnSNO.
      4. General Secretary at SnSNO.
      5. SCOHE Local officer at FAMSA.
      6. Head of external affairs at Sennar Debates Club.

  9. Very interested and available in the next 2 months (I am an MRP member)
    won first place in proposal writing competition were I wrote a proposal about genetics
    Worked on a research with a professor in my university about the extraction of plants
    attended online courses about systematic reviews and research methodology and design and many more like Statistics, Mendeley and SPSS
    worked on SPSS and HPTLC
    Expert in scientific writing

  10. Interested and available. Have not joined MRP projects before. Good writing skills, commitment to timetable, published 3 papers before, 9 ongoing systematic reviews and meta analysis submitted to journals.

  11. Interested and available for the next 2 months.I have not been part of any MRP projects before. I am a very keen, ambitious, and hard-working researcher. I have worked on many different types of research including commentaries, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and cross-sectional studies.I am able to use software including SPSS, Revman, Mendeley, and Zotero. I am willing to work hard and give my absolute best when given the chance and am extremely keen on working on this project.

  12. • Interested and available in the next 2 months.
    • MRP_Member, participated in a project “SR & MA” which has submitted recently.
    • Previous experience:
    – 1 Published paper “SR & MA”
    – 1 Ongoing SR & MA on the stage of manuscript revision.
    – 1 Ongoing primary study on the stage of data collection “Project HIPPO”.
    – Research mentor in a research training program affiliated with UCLA under the supervision of Dr. Nizar Abdelfattah, Assistant Scientist at UCLA.

  13. Very interested and available in the next 2 months (I am an MRP member)
    won first place in proposal writing competition were I wrote a proposal about genetics
    Worked on a research with a professor in my university about the extraction of plants and published it
    attended online courses about systematic reviews and research methodology and design and many more like Statistics, Mendeley and SPSS
    worked on SPSS and HPTLC
    Expert in scientific writing

  14. Interested and available in the next 2 months

    Although have not been part of any MRP projects, I’m excited to be part of this project.
    I enrolled and finished courses in research methodology, statistics and academic writing and work on meta-analysis in master project.
    I’m looking forward for this opportunity.

    1. Intrested and available in the next 2 month

      I’ve worked lately with MRP and accepted as co-author

      Had research experience: participated in 7 articles (2 of them are systematic reviews)

      Able to finish the work properly on time

  15. Very interested and available in the next 2 months, I have not joined MRP projects before.but I’m really seeking for this opportunity I gained my experience by attending online courses about systematic review & meta analysis

    1. Interested and available in next 2 months.
      Not yet joined the MRP project but very excited to be a part of this one.
      Have done a course in systematic review and meta analysis

  16. very interested and avaliable i am MRP member i attended the 4 courses and passed all quizes and practical tasks and i worked with a team on a study related to the effect of aroma therapy and heart disease and it is on the process of publicaion

  17. Interested and available in the next 2 months, have joined MRP projects before.
    First, I must say that I really appreciate the opportunity you are offering us, medical students and Internal medicine enthusiasts. Working with a team of eager and scientifically-driven students would be an honor to me, in addition to being an insightful experience. On one hand, I am very interested in research, especially if it is in my field of interest: internal merdicine. On the other hand, I want to collaborate with research enthusiasts from all over the world.

  18. Interested and available in the next 2 months, I’m working now on a systematic review, and submitted 4 case reports, one of them with literature review.
    I didn’t join any MRP study before.

  19. I am interested and available in the next two months. I am knowledgeable in academic writing , I have taken an online course presented by Stanford University staff on “writing in the sciences”. I have one published thesis and one published manuscript paper. I haven’t joined MRP studies before but looking forward to joining one.

  20. interested, available in the next 2 month I am aware of all steps of how to conduct SR-MA by taking online courses also I have finished “academic writing course of Sandford. I haven’t Joined MRP studies before but I am looking forward to join your fabulous great team

  21. Interested and available in the next 2 months!
    I have gained good knowledge and experience in SR&MA from some online courses, with 2 ongoing research projects.

  22. Interested and available in the next 2 months
    • A writer in the Neuropedia community with authorship work on different types of tumors, their etiology, differential diagnoses, etc…

    • A writer in a medical website “a7eaha” to facilitate the availability Arabic medical content to the public

    • Currently working on an ongoing breakthrough study regarding telemedicine in the context of emergency ophthalmic conditions

    • An active member of the Royal College of Physicians, attending multiple research-related events and seminars

    • An active IFMSA-JO member with experience in research-related experiences

    • The Previous Deputy Secretary General of the Jordanian Congress of Medical Students, where weekly content was written, reviewed, and published online

    • Head of the Science section in the Scholar journal

    • Hosted a literature review research course for students

    • Hosted 4 workshops for students on how to research

    Thank you for the lovely opportunity, I hope to be considered…

  23. Interested and available in the next 2 months!

    I have gained experience by getting some courses online and joining research committee (BSIRA & OMRA)

    Thank you for this opportunity, I hope to be considered…

  24. Interested and available in the next 2 months. Experience: Current work: House officer at Mansoura university hospitals, Mansoura Manchester Medical Program graduate. Currently applying for Mansoura university faculty of medicine research grant 2023. Submitted 5 mini reviews as a part of my academic undergraduate program under the supervision of university professors.

  25. Very interested and available in the next 2 months (I am an MRP member)
    Pharmacy Student with an experience in clinical and pharmaceutical sciences research
    won first place in proposal writing competition were I wrote a proposal about genetics and I working in it in a wet lab with my professor in my university and it will be finished very soon (it is about genetics and smoking)
    Worked on a research with a professor in my university about the extraction of plants and published it
    attended online courses about systematic reviews and research methodology and design and many more like Statistics, Mendeley, SPSS and literature review.
    worked on SPSS and HPTLC
    Expert in scientific writing
    IFMSA-JO member

  26. Interested and available in the next 2 month
    I gained my experience in Research and leadership from many positions as follow :
    – I am a researcher, I have 2 preprint papers :
    1. Case study : Macroadenoma with unusual presentation, for the details here its DOI :
    2. Kap study about stroke in Sennar population Sudan, its DOI :
    Also I am a co-author for kap study about Dengue fever in Sennar population, which is now under submission.
    I am co-author in case study about polythycemia vera presented as splenic infraction and portal vein thrombosis which is now ready to submit.
    Also I have many articles which will be finished soon.
    My leadership experience from my following positions :
    1. Deputy of publication at SMRA.
    2. Deputy of publication at Al-Maleeh Research Group.
    3. Former head of publication at Sennar Student Network Organization SnSNO.
    4. General Secretary at SnSNO.
    5. SCOHE Local officer at FAMSA.
    6. Head of external affairs at Sennar Debates Club.

Comments are closed.