Call for Leaders

A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.

John Maxwell

The call is open for the core of MRP Research Division; LEADERS.


  • Validate the Idea
  • Select Members from applicants
  • Put a time plan
  • Lead the tasks from A to Z
  • Organize teams
  • Guide members
  • Ensure Quality and integrity


  1. Experience in ALL steps of the study
  2. Experience in Leading studies
  3. Have the following skills
    • Communication skills
    • Problem solving
    • Conflict management
    • Team building

To apply, you should fulfill all these items. However, If you cannot fulfill the second item, you can apply as a co-leader (under supervision)


  • First Authorship
  • Corresponding author if generated the idea

Selection Criteria

Your application will be reviewed, and qualified candidates will be interviewed to ensure the skills and qualifications of all MRP Leaders.


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